Garbage-free Hippie Body Butter

Garbage-free Hippie Body Butter

Welcome, fellow garbage-free hippie!

We're excited to share our body butter with you! We’ve created our recipe to be moisturizing and absorbent without all the toxic ingredients in store-bought alternatives.

Our body butter is made with garbage-free ingredients:

➡️ no toxins

➡️ no chemicals

➡️ no parabens

➡️ no phthalates or sulfates

➡️ no chemical fragrances

Ingredient breakdown:

Shea Butter

Shea butter is a creamy fat found in nuts growing on shea trees in African countries. We use unrefined shea butter vs. refined because it holds more of its nutrients due to less processing.


  • Moisturizing: The fatty acids found in this butter lubricate the skin and create a barrier that keeps moisture in.

  • Anti-inflammatory: This butter contains anti-inflammatory substances that ease swelling and redness of the skin.

  • Contains antioxidants: It contains Vitamins A & E. Vitamin E prevents cellular damage and boots moisture. Vitamin A increases the skin-cell turnover rate which smooths the skin’s surface.

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter comes from the cacao bean, which is found inside the cocoa pod, which grows on the cacao tree. We use unrefined vs. refined because it holds more of its nutrients due to less processing.


  • Hydrating: The fatty acids in cocoa butter help hydrate and heal chapped skin.

  • Contains antioxidants: It contains antioxidants to help fight off free-radical damage. Less free-radical damage = healthy and youthful-looking skin.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is extracted from raw coconuts. We use cold-pressed coconut oil as it doesn’t use heat in the preparation process and maintains more of its nutrients.


  • Antimicrobial & antibacterial: The lauric acid found in coconut oil can have antimicrobial properties, which can help kill bacteria on the skin and reduce inflammation. This also helps soothe milder skin lesions like scratches or razor burns.

  • Contains antioxidants: It contains antioxidants to help fight off free-radical damage. Less free-radical damage = healthy and youthful-looking skin.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is made by pressing olives and then expressing their oil.


  • Contains antioxidants: Antioxidants in olive oil help combat oxidative stress & free radicals, which are associated with skin aging.

  • Moisturizing: Olive oil contains squalene and vitamin E. Squalene supports the skin’s moisture retention, whereas vitamin E increases the skin’s capacity to absorb and retain water.

  • Anti-inflammatory & antimicrobial: These properties help aid in wound healing.

How can you purchase?

Find us at:

  • The Gym : 3109 Venture Way, Cedar Falls, Ia

  • Local. : 103 E Main St, Denver, Ia

Send us a message and we can ship it to you ($6.50 + shipping costs):

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