The Project’s Mission

We started this project to increase our awareness of the garbage we’re putting into our bodies and throwing into our environments. We believe awareness leads to change–change that improves not only our individual lives but the entire planet.

Join us on our journey to learn how we can get rid of all the garbage–from plastic to processed foods–in our lives and become healthier. Getting back to our roots with real food, real products, and less waste.

We all have the power to make small changes in our lives that can lead to significant results around the world, we just need a little awareness, empowerment, and reliable information.

“You can make a difference. With the enormous problems that face the world, it may seem our individual efforts are going to be completely insignificant, but many problems we confront are created by individual actions, and we each have enormous powers to make a change.”
—Nicky Scott, Composting

The inspiration behind this project.

After a trip to Utila, Honduras, we become more aware of the amount of garbage and plastic that washes up on beaches from the ocean. In spite of efforts from a beach clean-up day, it didn’t feel like a dent was made, even though bags and bags of trash were collected. Digging in the sand only revealed more layers of microplastic.

Like many others, we started questioning where the garbage came from? We realized, just like in the movie Finding Nemo, “All drains lead to the ocean.” and much of the garbage in the ocean floats down rivers to end up on beautiful beaches around the world. When we’re throwing something ‘away’, it could mean ‘away’ is the ocean–destroying the environment and wildlife living in it.

It may feel that we’re disconnected from the problem–even though we’re contributing to it every day–if we live so far from the oceans. In reality, it affects everyone. We buy and use plastic, throw it away, it washes from a landfill into a river, floats down to the ocean, turns into microplastic, a fish eats it, that fish ends up on our plates, and we consume that same plastic we once threw ‘away’. Ok, so maybe not the same plastic, but you get the idea. It’s eye-opening…everything is connected!

Our love of nutrition and eliminating waste have merged together to create this project. We’re inspired to become trash free. To get rid of the trash we’re putting into the environment and the trash we’re putting into our bodies. As we’re learning on how to be better ourselves, we’ll be posting tips and things we’re learning along the way! We hope you join us on our journey and know that every small change by one person makes a difference!