Read the Ingredient List

Read the Ingredient List

Are you filling your grocery cart with nutrients or garbage?

We have a desire to know what we’re fueling our bodies with–because it makes a difference. A difference in how you feel and how your body will function not only in the present, but in the future. It’s just like putting gas in your car–give it the good stuff and it will run much better.

When we’re buying food, the first thing we do before placing it in our cart is look at the ingredient list. What is this product made of? (Pro Tip: The list goes in order from highest quantity to lowest by weight.) Can we pronounce all the items from the list? How many ingredients are there? Does it have added sugar? If so, is it the first couple of ingredients in the list? (Pro Tip: Sugar can be disguised by many names in the ingredient list, learn more about its undercover names here.) What oil did they use when cooking? Does it have any trans fat?

To dodge the ingredient list completely, we try to buy food without an ingredient list–whole, REAL food! You know exactly what ingredients you’re buying because there’s only one :) These products usually have less packaging too, limiting single-use products.

Pro tip: You can go a step further by asking these questions. Where did the ingredients come from? How was it sourced? What were the farming practices? Is it organic? Were the animals humanly raised? Is the product sustainable?

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