It's about more than plastic.

It's about more than plastic.

It’s more than the amount of plastic we use, it’s about how wasteful we are.

As it should, plastic gets the spotlight when it comes to our impact on the environment. We’ve seen the piles of it in photos of beaches, the ocean, and landfills. Along with videos of straws being pulled from sea turtle noses and garbage patches in our oceans.

After returning from a trip to Utila, Honduras and seeing the layers and layers of microplastic in the sand, we became more aware of the amount that exists and questioned where it all came from. We found that the majority of it comes from the mainland–floating down rivers into the oceans. Even though we aren’t dealing with the result of our trash everyday, we’re contributing to the problem from 1,000’s of miles away.

From our new found awareness, we did a quick inventory of the plastic in our everyday lives. It’s EVERYWHERE! From our shoes to our cars to all the household and beauty products we purchase and the list continues... Where do we even start? Get rid of single-use plastic(things we use once and then throw away)? What should we switch single-use plastic with? When researching replacements, the alternatives seemed just as awful. How many resources does it take to produce paper or cardboard or cotton? Is that any better for the environment?

What if plastic wasn’t the only problem? What if we got rid of single-use anything? We could become less wasteful in general and use what we have as many times as possible before throwing it away. Our long-term goal is to become trash free! To start, we’re going to find ways to eliminate single-use anything and keep improving from there.

Join us on our journey and we’ll post tips and updates as we learn to become less wasteful people. :)

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